Friday, September 4, 2009

Universal Tuning to be more than just tuning?

I have to say, it's been a question that's been circulating around for quite a bit since the initial announcement of Dissidia: Final Fantasy Universal Tuning. Now up to this point Square-Enix has told it's Japanese audience that Universal Tuning is basically the same game that Western audiences got. However, Square-Enix released this enigmatic chart on Universal Tuning's official website:

Click to enlarge.

Now, from left to right starting with the first column. It lists the different story structure that the American version had (quicker), 100 tuning options to characters (bascially the tweaks they made for us for balance, etc.), English voice option, Arcade Mode, changes to the Duel Coliseum, and the ability for players to import their original Dissidia save.

However, of most interest are the three boxes of question marks below. The only particular thing I can think of at the moment are the moogle cutscenes, but there's obviously more to this than that. What changes await? We'll probably know at TGS next week.

SOURCES: Dissidia: Final Fantasy Universal Tuning - Official Japanese Site

New Crystal Bearers gameplay videos

New gameplay videos of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers were uploaded to GameTrailers today. The first video shows the protagonist Layle navigating a field with a large behemoth and using various traps to trigger different reactions. It seems a large chunk of gameplay is devoted to trial-and-error escapades with classic Final Fantasy monsters. The second video shows us some random gameplay with Layle using his crystal powers to tease some children. I really hope that the game keeps this sort of charm consistently, because it's really got my eye.

SOURCES: GameTrailers

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Final Fantasy XIII scan shows paradigm system

Newly released from Shonen Jump, a new scan that shows us a little bit more of the Paradigm system. Here, we see that Lightning, Snow, and Vanille have different roles in battle and can be switched easily. Also we see Sazh holding a different kind of weapon for his role.

Attacker: Attack and magic power up, character assaults enemies.
Blaster: Good at chanining together attacks.
Defender: (Not specifically mentioned, but likely a defensive role.)

(Click to enlarge.)

SOURCES: FF7AC Reunion, Shonen Jump

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Excuse me but your Serah is showing

This photo (click to zoom) is a picture of Motomu Toriyama at the recent Gamescom conference in Cologne, Germany. We've heard that Serah will be revealed at TGS this year, but it seems like a little bit slipped. Toriyama holds up a picture of Serah towards him to explain a bit what she looks like as a teaser but we can see through the paper! Whoopsie~


Monday, August 31, 2009

Square-Enix unveils official TGS2009 lineup

Tokyo Game Show 2009 is right around the bend, and today Square Enix listed the Final Fantasy games games that will make an appearance:

Four Warriors of Light (playable+trailer)
Dissidia: Final Fantasy UNIVERSAL TUNING (trailer)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (playable+trailer)
Final Fantasy XIII (playable+trailer)
Final Fantasy XIV (trailer)
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years (trailer)
Final Fantasy XI: Vana'diel Collection 2 (trailer)

To view the entire list head over this way.