It's Thursday, and guess what that means? More English gameplay videos! This week it's Final Fantasy III's turn, featuring the Onion Knight and the Cloud of Darkness. The voice actor for Onion Knight sure threw me back to the first Kingdom Hearts game, where Haley Joel Osment didn't sound tremendously awkward; younger than what I was expecting, but I like it. He is a youth after all.
Cloud of Darkness, as I've been informed is voiced by Laura Bailey who is also notable for the role of Lust in Fullmetal Alchemist; I like this choice too, and it definetly suits CoD's lustiness.
Enjoy the videos, and next week look forward to Final Fantasy IV!
SOURCES: Tobimadarauchiha [Youtube], IGN, Gamespy.
Onion Knight is the most awesome character in this game. Hands down. Ninja form has no equal.