A lot of new information has come out of Gamescom recently on Final Fantasy XIII, through a multitude of articles I have summarized the biggest updates in news. If you want to read the source articles in entirety, the links are below as well.
+ FFXIII will have a 50-hour main story regardless of sidequests.
+ A new character was revealed, wears a dress and pink attire, and a pink braid.
+ Klee Kuo: "Hint: Name of new female character in FFXIII was mentioned in past trailers" Sham: "SERAH"
+ A new character was revealed, Sazh's son.
+ We'll know more about these two characters at TGS2009.
+ Aiming for Spring 2010 release date for US and Europe.
+ English and Japanese voice acting will be available, subtitles as well.
(This has been debunked.)+ The lip and facial animations will be redone for the English version to fit the words.
+ Square-Enix is trying to get the 360 version to fit on three discs.
+ The team is being very careful to have each console's version look the same, yet there may be "subtle differences".
+ Final Fantasy XIII's game world is relative to the size of Final Fantasy X's Spira.
+ The 'Paradigm' system in FFXIII is designed to give characters a focused role and can be changed in battle.
+ The system is designed to add strategy to entering in commands and comboing moves.
You can read the articles this information came from here:
NowGamer: Interview With Yoshinori KitaseVG247: FFXIII Story To Last Around 50 Hours New Characters AnnouncedVG247: Confirmed: Kitaste Aiming For FFXIII 360 To Ship On 3 DVDsSquare-Enix Klee Kluo on TwitterSOURCES: VG247, NowGamer, Klee Kuo (Square-Enix)