The Final Fantasy XIV website updated with a swell of new and interesting information about the MMORPG's world and job system. In which explains that Eorzea is just a region in the entire world in which several city-states have through trial forged a mutual alliance. New regions have been detailed, and the races have been renamed from those in Final Fantasy XI (Humes are now Hyur, etc.)
City-states in Eorzea are revealed to be a desert city with plenty of domes called Ul'dah; a castle skycity called Limsa Lominsa, and a forest city named Gridania.
Also elaborated is a "job" system annotated by an armoury of different weapons and tools. Will it be as simple as equipping a sword for a combat-heavy class and switching to a staff for a magic-heavy class? Also, it's revealed that there will be jobs (blacksmithing, like of that nature) and harvesting jobs. For a further (and better explanation) refer to the site.
Also, a new concept comes up in FFXIV; guildleves. It seems that these crystal plates are bestowed to the player when they are to complete a certain quest or objective. It seems as if they will be crucial in completion of these tasks, and I'm thinking they'll be a way to use a teleportation crystal to reach your destination far quicker than map travel. It leaves a question open that begs to be answered: "If you don't have a guildleve to say harvest in an area to complete a quest will the player be punished for this action in some form?"
Check out the official site for more.
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