Preliminary translations of the scan by RPGMonkey of NeoGAF:
Hope Estheim
-The silver-haired boy
-Uses a boomerang
-Hates Snow for getting his mother involved in the battle
-New Monster, "Cie Corpse (Husk?)"
-The eventual fate of a l'Cie
-Vanille's weapon is a fishing rod
-Lightning's great skill, "Air Blast"
-A l'Cie becomes a Cie Corpse when there's an unclear objective and they exceed their time limit, or something like that.
"I don't know if it's exactly a fishing rod or it's just the most accurate description, but apparently she attacks with a needle attached to a wire, so it's at least the easiest thing to describe it with.
I think the concept is that the fal'Cie mark normal humans as l'Cie, and give those people a task. The task given isn't clear and simple to figure out, but the l'Cie have a time limit, so if they just give up they'll eventually become one of the monster things. Don't really know if you become a monster whether you finish your task or not, but the way they talk about being a l'Cie so negatively, either the objectives given are so hard to understand no one (or almost no one) manages to actually complete them, or you're doomed whether you manage to do it or not."
SOURCES: FF7ac Reunion, 2chan, RPGMonkey (NeoGAF)
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